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The company L'USO DU CENTRE was founded in 2002, dynamic, born from a real passion for the industrial maintenance of production lines, design and manufacturing of mechanical parts. Our know-how and skills are based on studies, our field skills and experienced and motivated staff. Whatever your project, L'USO DU CENTRE supports you, identifies all of your needs and offers you a solution and a plan that meets your expectations.

تأسست شركة آلإیزو دي سنتر في ینایر ، ولدت من شغف حقیقي بالصیانة الصناعیة لخطوط الإنتاج، وتصمیم وتصنیع الأجزاء المیكانیكیة ثم تطورت لیمتد نشاطھا الى عدید المجالات كالدراسات والاشغال العامة للطرق والجسور والسدود،المقاولات،صیانة تجھیزات النزل ، التكییف المركزي للمساحات الكبرى، وذلك بفضل الانفتاح عن طریق تكوین شراكات مدروسة مع مؤسسات رائدة وذات خبرة واسعة وكفاءة عالیة . تعتمد معرفتنا ومھاراتنا على الدراسات المیدانیة والموظفین المتحمسین ذوي الخبرة. مھما كان مشروعك، فإن شركتنا تدعمك وتحدد كافة احتیاجاتك وتقدم لك الحل والخطة التي تلبي توقعاتك.

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L'USO DU CENTRE services

Installation and maintenance of production lines in large factories

L'USO DU CENTRE offers turn key solutions for installing production lines in large factorie....

Central air conditioning of large areas

Our central air conditioning services cover the design and installation of HVAC systems.....

Design, Public Works, Bridges, Dams & Roads

These studies involve site assessments, environmental impact evaluations.....

Real estate studies and construction

Our real estate studies start with market research to identify.....

Industrial Maintenance And Manufacturing Of Mechanical Parts

Our industrial maintenance services cover a wide range of industries and machinery.....

Get A Solutions For All

We believe strongly that we can and must do things differently.
Our aim is to bring you news, perspectives.
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Some of our Projects

We tailor this service to your business, your goals and your budget

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